
Pride Offer

Any order of embroidered Sharon Lee stocked hats which are in official support of Pride will be discounted by way of:

  • The stock hat will be discounted to bulk rate
  • The embroidery will be reduced to the rate available when ordering 2500 units+ regardless of the quantity ordered

Terms and conditions;

Offer to be applied to orders placed between April 22y and August 30th 2024:

Orders subject to discount will need to be in obvious support of the Pride event.  Immediate discount will be offered where a logo is clearly changed to involve Pride support.  If corporate logos are not changed, but the purpose of the order is to support Pride in some way, then by proof of support will be required!
This offer is to be made in good faith where Sharon Lee staff judgement may need to be used.  Sharon Lee staff judgement will be final!

Orders must be for a branded Sharon Lee stocked hat.
The reduction to the branding will only be applicable to embroidery.  Other branding techniques will not be subject to discounts.

This offer can not be combined with any other offer or discount.

Contact the team for more information